African Bush Elephant Animal

                            African Bush Elephant

  The African Bush Elephant is the largest of all living creatures on land. The Elephant is thought to have been named after the Greek word for ivory, meaning that Elephants were named for their uniquely long tusks. With male African Bush Elephants reaching up to 3.6 metres in height and the females being slightly smaller at around 3.1 metres tall. The body of the African Bush Elephants can also grow to between 6.1 and 6.9 meters long. The tusks of an African Bush Elephant can be nearly 2.6 meters in length. 

African Bush Elephants have four molar teeth each weighing about 5.0 kg and measuring about 12 inches long. Although the historical range of it's ancestors ranged right into the Arctic Circle. today the African Bush Elephant is mainly found in central and southern Africa in nomadic herds that wander the plains and grasslands of Africa grazing for food and searching for waterholes.

 African Bush Elephant Behaviour and Lifestyle Not only is the African Bush Elephant an incredibly sociable mammal. but it is also a very active one. African Bush Elephants are nomadic animals meaning that they are constantly on the move in search of food, so moving within these family herds allows them to have greater protection both from predators and from the elements. 

African Bush Elephant Reproduction and Life Cycles
African Bush Elephants tend to live relatively long lives, with the average life span being between 61 and 70 years. Female African Bush Elephants reach sexual maturity after 11 or 12 years. but are thought to be most fertile between the ages of 23 and 43. Male African Bush Elephants however often don't reach sexual maturity until they are nearly 20 years old. After mating and a gestation period of up to 2 years, the female African Bush Elephant gives birth to a single calf. The bulk of the African Bush Elephant's diet is comprised of leaves and branches that are stripped off the trees and bushes using it's trunk.


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