Affenpinscher Animal


->   This is an inquisitive and intelligent little dog. It's Life Span :- 13 to 15 years.The Affenpinscher, also known as the "Monkey Dog".Today the Affen is a rare breed.Sturdy, smart, and alert, the Affenpinscher is an excellent watchdog who fears nothing.He takes seriously his duty to guard home, family, and territory, and won't hesitate to alert the entire neighborhood that someone is approaching the front door.The Affenpinscher has a mind of his own and is often labeled as stubborn.

 ->    He can compete in obedience and agility, and his entertainment ability makes him a wonderful therapy dog.While Affenpinschers are known for making their people laugh, they are not the best breed for a household full of children in spite of their antics.The affenpinscher is square-proportioned, compact and sturdy, with medium bone.This breed's rough coat is about 1 inch long on its body and somewhat longer on its head, neck, chest, stomach and legs. 

->    The coat type provided protection from vermin and harsh conditions.A terrier at heart, it is busy, inquisitive, bold and stubborn, but it also loves to monkey around, being playful and mischievous.The affenpinscher has a monkeylike facial expression with long eyebrows and beard, which lends it an air of comic seriousness.

 ->    This little dog is best with a family that likes entertainment and has a very good sense of humor.The Affenpinscher is distinguished by a beard and mustache, bushy eyebrows, a stiff wiry coat, ears that can be cropped or natural, and a tail that can be docked or natural.


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