
The horn africa has the worlds Largest population of Camels. The average Life Expectancy of a camel is 45 to 50 years. The kidneys and intestines of a camel are very afficient at reabsoring water. Human have used camels as a means of Transport For thousends Of Years. In winter Even Desert Plants may hold enough moisture to allow a camel to Live Without Water For Several. Mother Camel Will Find A Private Spot To Have Her Young. Female Camels Usually Only Have One Baby, But Sometimes Camels Have Twins. Concentrating Body Fat In Their Humps Minimizes The Insulating Effect Fat Would Have If Distributed Over The Rest Of Their Bodies. Arabian Camels Have Been Domesticated For Approximately 3501 Years And Have Been Long Valued As Pack Animals. The Camels  Thick Coats Insulate Them From The Intense Heat Radiated From Desert Sand A Shorn Camel Must Sweat 50 % More To Avoid Overheating. Bactrian Camels Weigh 310 to 1000 kg And Drome Daries 300 to 600 Kg While Walking 20 Miles A Day In The Harsh Desert.


Life Span                       :-               45  Years
Speed                           :-               65 km/h
Height                           :-               Near by 2m.
Mass                            :-               410-590 kg           
Range                           :-               Africa & Asia

                                                        Camel Images :-


Cairn Terrier :-  

The Cairn terriers are considered intelligent loyal family pets that adapt to most environments.The Cairn Terrier is one of the oldest of the terrier breeds originating in the Scottish Highlands and recognized as one of Scotland's earliest working dogs. These Dogs Are generally healthy and live average 13 to 18 years. The cairn terrier has a harsh weather resistant outer coat that can be black,cream,wheaten,red,gray,or brindled in any of these colors.The cairn terrier is a small purebred known for being aggressive,courageous,and inteligent. The cairn terrir is devloped is 200 years ago on skye where captain martin macleod created with devloping of oldest strains of the breed.he cairn terrier was registred into the american kennel club in 1903.cairn terriers can be possessive of their food and toys and being respectable terriers they are enthusiastic diggers and barkers.The most common colors terriers are black,brindle,gray,and etc.cairn terriers are considered intelligent loyal family pets that adapt to most environments.
        Cairn Terrier

Colors         :-~~>                   Black, Red, Grey, Brindle, Cream, Wheaten
Weight        :-~~>                    Male: 6–8 kg,       Female: 6–8 kg

            Cairn Terrier images:-

                                         African Civet

~~> The African Civet is a solitary animal that only comes out under the cover of night to hunt and catch food. Despite being generally very solitary creatures, the African Civet has been known to gather in groups of up to 14 members particularly during the mating season. African Civets tend to be most active just after sunset but tend to hunt in areas that still provide plenty of cover. 

~~> The African Civet is a large species of Civet found across sub-Saharan Africa. Despite their cat-like appearance and behaviours the African Civets are not felines at all but are in fact more closely related to other small carnivores including Weasels and Mongooses. One of the African Civet's most distinctive features are the black and white markings on their fur and grey face which along with the black band around their eyes gives these animals a Raccoon-like appearance.

~~> African Civets are most commonly found in tropical forests and jungles and areas where there is plenty of dense vegetation to provide both cover and animals that the African Civets feeds on. The African Civet is found in a variety of habitats on the African continent, with it's range extending from coast to coast in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite this though, it is not uncommon for African Civets to be found along rivers that lead into the more arid regions.

~~> The female African Civet usually gives birth to up to 4 young after a gestation period that lasts for a couple of months. The only time when African Civets seem to be seen together is when they are mating.

~~> Despite the fact that the African Civet is a carnivorous mammal, it has a very varied diet that consists of both animal and plant matter. African Civets can live for up to 19 years although many rarely get to be this old.  The female African Civet nests in an underground burrow that has been dug by another animal in order to safely raise her young.African Civets can live for up to 20 years although many rarely get to be this old. Small animals such as Rodents, Lizards, Snakes and Frogs make up the majority of the African Civet's diet along with Insects berries and fallen fruits that it finds on the forest floor.

~~> Large predatory Cats are the most common predators of the African Civet including Lions and Leopards along with reptiles such as large Snakes and Crocodiles.
One of the biggest threats to the African Civet is the want for their musk African Civet populations are also under threat from both habitat loss and deforestation and have been subject to trophy. The musk secreted by the glands close to the African Civet's reproductive organs has been collected by Humans for hundreds of years. In it's concentrated form the smell is said to be quite offensive to people but much more pleasant once diluted. It was this scent that became one of the ingredients in some of the most expensive perfumes in the world.
The African Civet is listed as being


African Civet image



->   This is an inquisitive and intelligent little dog. It's Life Span :- 13 to 15 years.The Affenpinscher, also known as the "Monkey Dog".Today the Affen is a rare breed.Sturdy, smart, and alert, the Affenpinscher is an excellent watchdog who fears nothing.He takes seriously his duty to guard home, family, and territory, and won't hesitate to alert the entire neighborhood that someone is approaching the front door.The Affenpinscher has a mind of his own and is often labeled as stubborn.

 ->    He can compete in obedience and agility, and his entertainment ability makes him a wonderful therapy dog.While Affenpinschers are known for making their people laugh, they are not the best breed for a household full of children in spite of their antics.The affenpinscher is square-proportioned, compact and sturdy, with medium bone.This breed's rough coat is about 1 inch long on its body and somewhat longer on its head, neck, chest, stomach and legs. 

->    The coat type provided protection from vermin and harsh conditions.A terrier at heart, it is busy, inquisitive, bold and stubborn, but it also loves to monkey around, being playful and mischievous.The affenpinscher has a monkeylike facial expression with long eyebrows and beard, which lends it an air of comic seriousness.

 ->    This little dog is best with a family that likes entertainment and has a very good sense of humor.The Affenpinscher is distinguished by a beard and mustache, bushy eyebrows, a stiff wiry coat, ears that can be cropped or natural, and a tail that can be docked or natural.


    --:Affenpinscher images:--




                                     Afghan Hound

-> Cute puppy antics diminish as the Afghan matures.  

-> A mature Afghan Hound does not lavish attention on anyone, and sometimes doen't even want to be hugged or petted.

-> The free-thinking, independent Afghan will decide for himself when he wants affection and it will be on his terms — not yours.

-> Independence and indifference aside the Afghan Hound is tender when he wishes to be and can be very amusing.

-> The Afghan Hound is typically a one-person or one-family dog.

-> Afghans are generally healthy, but like all breeds they're prone to certain health conditions. Not all Afghans will get any or all of these diseases but it's important to be aware of them if you're considering this breed.

-> The Afghan's independent nature and large size make him best suited as an adult companion. 

-> This unique, ancient dog breed has an appearance quite unlike any other: dramatic silky coat, exotic face, and thin, fashion-model build.

-> Looks aside Afghan enthusiasts describe this hound as both aloof and comical. 

-> The Afghan Hound was originally used for hunting large prey in both the deserts and in the mountains of Afghanistan where his abundant flowing coat was needed for warmth.

-> Today's Afghan Hound isn't hunting leopards but this sighthound does retain the independent nature of a coursing hound.


Afghan images....


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